You’re in the right place.

We help patients navigate the process of getting a card and find the dosage that meets their needs.


We make it easy.

Whether an existing diagnosis exists or one is needed, our doctors can help patients with every step of the process to get them certified for their state’s Medical Cannabis Program.

Our team handles everything from new applications to renewals, allotment increases, and more. We process the entire applications on your behalf, and help both adult and minor patients as well as veterans and caregivers.

Please select your state below to learn more about how to get your Medical Cannabis Card today! While each state may have different requirements, our team at Compassionate Clinics of America is here to assist you every step of the way.

Telemedicine Services Are Now Available In Illinois And Pennsylvania!

Medicinal Marijuana Cards, Medical Marijuana Cards & Medical Cannabis Certifications Monroeville, PA, Chicago, IL, Pittsburgh, PA & Deerfield, IL

Medicinal Marijuana CardsMedical Marijuana CardsMedical Cannabis Certifications ∴ Deerfield, IL ∴ Monroeville, PA ∴ Pittsburgh, PA

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